How To Replace Your Pur Water Filter In 5 Easy Steps?

The quality of the water you drink at home depends on many things. Where your water supply comes from affects how safe your drinking water is, particularly since different sources have different particulates and contaminants. Another thing you have to familiarize yourself with is the location because a lot of times, the minerals and particulates found in your water supply are affected by your surroundings.

One thing’s for sure, though: Wherever you are located and whatever your water supply is, the best thing to do so that you can ensure that you have clean and safe drinking water is to have a water filter system installed.

The PUR water filter system is a great choice when it comes to water filters. This system is a good and easy way to ensure that your household always has clean H2O at your disposal. But as with all water filters, a big factor in making sure your PUR water filter always performs well is to stay on top of maintenance. This, of course, includes replacing the filter when needed.

Read on to know more about how to replace our water filters so that you will always have only the cleanest and safest drinking water for you and the members of your household.

Get to Know The PUR Water Filter

A water filter system effectively cleans up bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and many other impurities from the tap water in your home. It’s an easy and safe system that will likewise help you to save thousands of dollars yearly, which you may have otherwise spent purchasing our sourcing purified water or filtered water from outside.

The PUR water filtration system allows you to have great-tasting water that is void of contaminants such as sediments and heavy metals. Pur utilizes a chemical and physical filtration system that safely and effectively removes dirt and contaminants.

Chemical filtration pertains to passing the tap water through a material that is chemically active, which removes impurities in the water as they infiltrate it. And physical filtration refers to the straining of water, which takes away the bigger particles of contaminants.

Why The PUR Filter Needs to be Routinely Replaced

Upon first purchasing the Pur water filter system, this is a whole package that also has a complete filtration system. Part of that filtration system is the filtration material. This is the physical trap that sifts out contaminants and sediments. Also included is the activated carbon, which pulls compounds such as organic compounds as well as heavy metals. The unit is made up of a replaceable filter and a holder.

Over time, as the filter is used, the residues collected fill it up. Once the filter is full of those residues, it will no longer work properly and will need to be replaced. There are various types of Pur water filters, and each type will generally purify a certain amount of water in a certain period of time. Afterward, they will need to be replaced.

PUR Water Filter Lifespans


As mentioned earlier, the biggest factor that will enable your Pur water filter system to work effectively is the replacement of filters when needed. So then the question becomes: When does my Pur water filter need to be replaced? What is the lifespan of my filter?

Depending on the type of Pur water filter you have, they all generally need to be replaced every two to three months. This time interval is what is referred to as the lifespan of the filter.

The good news is that Pur water filter systems are smart. They have indicators installed that will tell you when you need to change out your filter. The advanced indicator light of your filter lets you keep track of your filter’s general status.

  • Green Light Indicator:- When you see that your indicator is lit in green, then that tells you that your filter is in great condition and is effectively performing.
  • Yellow Light Indicator:- When you see that your indicator is lit in yellow, that tells you that you need to replace the filter as it is time for it to be changed.
  • Red Light Indicator:- When you see that your indicator is lit in red, that is a huge warning sign that tells you not to use it anymore because it is no longer filtrating your water. When you replace the filter, that red light will automatically turn green again. Still, even with that very handy light indicator, it is still best to become knowledgeable about the lifespan of your Pur water filter. Understanding how long they will work and what factors may affect the lifespan will help you maintain your filtration system and prolong its effectiveness.

Pur Faucet Filter Lifespan

The Pur faucet filter has to be changed out every three months or after it has filtered 100 gallons of water. As we stated earlier, the smart light indicator will likewise tell you when you need to have it replaced. The light indicator can be found right on the faucet filter, so you’ll be able to see the light at once each time you go to your faucet. That means that you won’t miss it when the indicator tells you it’s time for a change.

Pur Water Pitcher Filter Lifespan

The Pur pitcher filter has to be replaced every two months. Note that the actual lifespan also depends on how frequently you use it, so if you don’t really use that pitcher filter on a daily basis, it is advised that you switch the filter after 40 gallons of water has been filtered. Certain Pur water pitcher filters have a built-in light indicator, but should you purchase one that does not have it, then just be mindful of any change in color or taste of your water. If there is a change, then replace your filter immediately.

Pur Refrigerator Filter Lifespan

Of all Pur filters, the Pur refrigerator is said to have the longest lifespan. Generally speaking, this filter will need to be changed every three to six months or after 100 to 200 gallons of water are filtered. Keep in mind that this is still dependent on how often it is used.

Pur Water Dispenser Filter Lifespan

As with water pitcher filters, the Pur water dispenser filter has to be changed out for every 40 gallons of water filtered. And to give you a general idea, for a family of three that uses it on a regular basis, the lifespan translates to approximately two months, give or take.

Factors That Affect Pur Water Filter Lifespans


We discussed above that the main thing that affects the Pur winter’s lifespan and longevity is the combo of type of filter plus the amount of water filtered. Still, there are other factors that may affect your Pur water filter needing to be replaced earlier than the general timeframe. Here are some of these factors:

Primary Quality Of Your Water

If your primary water source – i.e., the source of your tap water is greatly polluted or contains additional big particles, the filter you use will have to work harder. It may even have to exceed the set maximum capacity.

This will cause the filter’s longevity to be shortened. Hence, to work around this, a suggestion would be to treat your water first with a primary process before letting it pass through the filter.


Iron is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. However, excessive amounts are toxic, and they will damage the water filter. Some types of iron are heavy metals that lead to water hardness, and this will complicate what your filter has to do, leading to possible errors in functionality.


Sediments are natural minerals that are brought about by the occurrence of erosion. They usually end up in our location’s water supply source. Should your water supply be full of sediment before it passes through your Pur water filter, those sediments will end up clogging your filter, which will then lead to a failure in performance.

As we mentioned above, when talking about primary water quality, a suggestion is to consider treating water to reduce its sediments before you filter it in your Pur water filtration system.


It was mentioned above that each type of Pur water filter has a certain amount of water that it can effectively filter before it needs to be replaced. So it stands to follow that if you and your household consume a larger amount of water, it may be possible that your Pur filter won’t work as effectively after just a month. These are the cases in which it is advisable to become knowledgeable about your filter’s water filter capacity and not just the approximated lifespan duration.

How To Replace Pur Water Filter?

Pur has many different filtering products. Whatever type you have, it is important to replace them as needed so that they stay effective and properly functional. How to replace our water filter depends on the type of filter system you have. We’ve got a basic guide that will cover the different filter types.

Replacing A Pitcher Or Dispenser Filter


Here is some point Replacing A Pitcher Or Dispenser Filter:

  • Submerge The Replacement Filter Into Cold Water:- Put the replacement filter in a clean container. Fill it with cold water. Make sure that your new filter is fully submerged in the water. Let it soak for about 15 minutes. At this time, whatever excess carbon is in the filter will separate so as not to get into your drinking water. Soaking your new filter likewise enables the water to flow evenly through your filter once you use it. Keep in mind not to use water that is warmer than 86 degrees Fahrenheit because this could damage your new filter.
  • Twist Out The Old Filter in a Counterclockwise Direction so That You Can Remove It:- Remove the lid of the dispenser of the filter and then set it aside. Find the pour tray (the blue plastic reservoir that is located on top), lift that pour tray up, and then remove it. Hold the cylindrical filter from below and turn it in a counterclockwise direction so that it will unhook. Remove your old filter through the top of your pour tray, and then dispose of it. Be sure to wait till you have emptied out your pour tray before you change out your filter because otherwise, it will be challenging to remove the old one without spillage.
  • Rinse Out Your Replacement Filter Under the Faucet:- Once your new filter has finished soaking for 15 minutes, remove it from the container and then place it under a running faucet. Rotate the new filter as water runs through it to ensure that it is completely rinsed off. Turn off the faucet after 10 seconds and shake out whatever excess water that may still be in the filter. Do not use hot water for rinsing because this may damage your filter.
  • Turn The Filter in a Clockwise Direction to Secure it Into The Pour Tray:- Slide in the cylindrical part of your new filter into the hole that is located in the middle of the pour tray. Push this downward the farthest that it can go. Grip the filter underneath and then turn it in a clockwise direction until a click is heard. You can try to tap the filter’s end so that you can be sure that it won’t pop out. Afterward, put the pour tray once more into the dispenser or pitcher, and then replace the lid. If you don’t secure the filter properly, it will pop out of the tray – should this happen, just insert it again and turn clockwise.
  • Push The Reset Button for Around 5 Seconds:- This last step is applicable only if your dispenser or pitcher has a Reset button. The newer pitchers and dispensers from Pur have light sensors that tell you when you need to replace their filter. For these models, press the Reset button as soon as you replace the filter. Hold the button down for five seconds. Your led light indicator will turn green as soon as the sensor resets.

Replacing A Faucet Filter


Here is some point Replacing A Faucet Filter:

  • Unscrew Your Existing Filtration System From the Faucet:- Using your non-dominant hand, assist the weight of your filtration system so that it won’t fall and break. Turn the plastic locking nut that serves to hold the system to the faucet in a counterclockwise direction to you can turn it loose. After the system is unscrewed, lift it carefully away from the faucet and place it down on a towel or countertop.
  • Remove the Old Filter by Twisting Open Your System’s Top Cover:- Handle the filtration system in such a way that the large cylinder’s rounded edge is pointing upward. Remove the top from the cylinder by unscrewing it counterclockwise and then put aside the cover. Take out the old filter and throw it in the trash. Remember that the top cover is located on the opposite side of the spout from which water is dispensed.
  • Place The New Filter Into the Filtration System and Then Screw The Cover On:- Ensure that the filter’s narrower end is there on the bottom while the logo is kept right-side up, then put the new filter inside the system in such a manner that the fit is loose. Place the top cover back and screw it securely over the filter.
  • Attach Your Water Filtration System Back Onto Your Faucet:- Hold in place the filtration system in such a way that its threading’s are exactly horizontal to the bottom of the faucet so that they seal tightly. Turn the locking nut in a clockwise direction into the faucet. Keep rotating, so it tightens. Test if it is tight enough by turning on the water and making sure that nothing leaks or drips. If the filtration system that you have does not screw on, simply line it up to your faucet and then snap it on by applying firm pressure.
  • Run Cold Water Throughout Your Newly Replaced Water Filtration System:- On the right side of the system, there is a handle that you should turn so that the water is diverted through the filter. Let the water pass through the filter so that any residue inside is washed out. Do this for five minutes to ensure your filter works efficiently. Afterward, you can start using the filter! Note that when you first use your new filter, the water that comes out may be cloudy, or it may sputter, but as you start running water through the filter, it will soon get better. Pur water filters are an excellent device that will let you have clean, safe drinking water in your household. Ensure that it is working in the most efficient way possible by maintaining your water filter and replacing it whenever it is time to be changed!