What is Alkaline Water? Uses and Safety

Any living organism cannot live without water. We all know that our bodies are generally made up of 70% of water, and our organs carry the essential functions for living. Water is vital because it has all the nutrients required by the living cells. It helps flush out the toxins from the kidney, clear the skin, hydrate the body, remove the waste from the stomach, and much more.

You must be aware that every water from every source (like lake, ocean, glacier, etc.)  is not drinkable or has health benefits. It is believed that around 70% of our planet’s surface is all covered with H20 (water), and the ocean is the primary water source of approximately 90% of the water on the planet. This ocean water is not suitable for drinking, nor is it ideal for growing crops or using it in manufacturing products as it’s too salty to be consumed. Cooling industries mainly utilize this water, and otherwise, there is no use of this water.

Only about 0.5% of water is available or accessible to human beings. The remaining 3% of water is fresh, but around 2.5% of it is not available, as it is present in glaciers in ice, underground water, atmosphere, and polar ice caps. But have you ever imagined how this small percentage of water is sufficient for all the living creatures on this earth?

A straightforward answer to this question is: water from all the resources is continuously collected, purified by natural methods, and then distributed through the system that we generally call it is the water cycle. The polluted water that comes from houses, industries, etc., follows the same purification process, and then it is used in the home again.

All Biological Organisms Have a pH Condition

Yes, every living creature had pH conditions. This includes your whole body and even the saliva in your mouth. For example, the gums and teeth health is generally affected by the ph of saliva, and now, you may have an idea of how pH is critical.

Acidic substances neutralize base alkaline water, and base alkaline substances balance acidic water. The pH scale generally has a range of 0 to 14. The 7pH is neutral, while 7-14 signifies the basic pH.

In the case of the mouth, if the ph is 5.5, or maybe less than this, then it is not considered healthy. Several bacteria can be produced in the mouth, resulting in the decaying of the tooth. And this basic principle applies/is valid for the whole body. So, now,  you may have understood that it makes sense that you should consume the drink, which has a ph range close to 7 (this ranged ph is considered as pure water). To protect the acidity of your stomach after consuming acidic food, you should always intake a few sips of pure water. Purified water and soda water can also rinse your mouth after consuming acidic food.

Why is pH Critical, and How Alkalinity of the Water is Determined?

As mentioned earlier, water is essential to every organ tissue or cell in the body to perform or carry out basic functions. But it cannot be said that you can drink any water. Water molecule is a combination of oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen ion present in the water is responsible for deciding the water pH level.

According to Environmental Protection Agency, the tap water pH (drinkable) should always be 6.5 to 8.5. This pH is responsible for determining the acidity and the alkalinity of the water. The pH scale consists of 0 to 14, where 7pH is considered neutral (this is a balance between alkalinity and acidity). Pure water has a ph of 7. If the pH ranges from 0-7, it shows the edge in the water; and if the pH ranges from 7-14, then the water is alkaline. The orange juice is acidic, as it has a pH of 3.5, while the pH of black coffee is 5.

The pH of water plays a vital role in keeping the body balance and regulating metabolic processes. If the water is too alkaline, it will create several metabolization problems, and if it’s too acidic, it will also create problems. For example, if the water is too acidic for the body, the person can quickly gain weight, the immune system will be slow, and the creature will be much more susceptible to various diseases.

How Can You Identify the pH of Water at Home?

How Can You Identify the pH of Water at Home?

During your school, you must have come across a lab practical, where you have used a few strips to find out the pH of a chemical or the mixture you have made. This was the famous and most simple lab experiment during school days.

Even if you haven’t performed any such practical during your childhood, then also it’s not a problem. So, you can simply buy a pH testing kit (litmus paper strips) from a shop or a pharmaceutical store. These kits are cheap, affordable, and can be used very efficiently.

The paper strips come in 2 different shades, red and blue. The intensity of color production in the litmus paper will indicate the level of basicity and acidity. If you perform this on red litmus paper, the color will change to blue if the water is basic/alkaline. The blue litmus paper will turn red if the water is acidic. Furthermore, there will be no change in color if the water is neutral or pure.

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A Pro and Cost-Effective Tip

You can even predict the pH level of the water with the help of cabbage, but make sure that you have a fresh red cabbage; avoid using the green one. The red pH has a water-soluble pigment called flavin, an anthocyanin.

Firstly, cut the cabbage, and keep it in a glass bowl. The bowl should be free from any contaminants and avoid using colorful bowls. Now, boil the water in a pan, and add this to the bowl in which you have a cabbage. Now strain the liquid portion in a glass. Leave the bowl undisturbed for the next 30 minutes so that the chemical reaction would occur. After this, you will notice a change in the water’s color (a purplish-red color), which we will use as a pH indicator solution.

Furthermore, take the water sample (the water sample you want to check the pH) in a glass container, and add the pH indicator solution (the boiled water which has changed the color). If the color changes to red/pink, then the water sample is acidic; if the color changes to blue, bluish-green, or greenish-yellow, the water sample is basic or alkaline. If the water appears purple (or may not have changed any color), the water is neutral. You can also use the color chart, which is readily available on the Internet, but make sure to search the red cabbage indicator color chart instead of the pH indicator chart.

You can also use the petals of red rose if you don’t have access to red cabbage.

Bottled Water Brands

Bottled Water Brands

Different bottled water brands have different pHs of water. Generally, the company lists this in its packaging.

The majority of the brands sell water above the ph of 7. These manufacturing companies have specific devices or equipment to change the chemicals present in the water. And one reason that you may have heard that a particular brand’s water is best or worst.

Several brands add nutrients to change the pH of the water and enhance water quality, thus providing several health benefits. That’s why a few brands in the market are expensive, and the others are cheaper.

How Can You Get Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water is very readily available at various health food stores and supermarkets. You can order them even online, as different brands have different varieties of ph ranges. Many colossal chain retailers sell water ionizers as well. You can also create your alkaline water at home as well. Another approach to make water more acidic is to add a pH drop or bicarbonate of soda.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

The fans of alkaline water believe that alkaline water is a rich source of increased hydrogen molecules, thus providing greater hydration than regular water. They think that the best time to consume alkaline water is after an intense workout, as your body needs to rehydrate.

Many believe that the water we drink in our homes has a pH below 7, i.e., acidic. The acidic water harms the blood cells and is responsible for various problems like osteoporosis, cancer, etc.,

The health benefits that alkaline water can provide are listed below:

  • It increases or improves metabolism.
  • Provides energy
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Improves the digestion
  • Reduces the loss of bone
  • Weight loss
  • Skin health
  • Detoxifying properties
  • Cancer resistance

They also claim that carbonated beverages, which are famously acidic, possess tremendously positive ORPs (Oxidation-reduction potential), resulting in several health problems, while adequately ionized and alkalinized fluids possess significantly negative ORPs, resulting in a slew of problems. Green tea, considered a very healthy beverage, is generally high in antioxidants and has a mildly negative ORP.

According to some studies, excess acid can cause more severe problems, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Others claim that consuming alkaline can help you stay hydrated and maintain a healthy acid-base balance in your body. Because the water particles in alkaline are in groups called clusters, which get more quickly digested by cells, helping your body wash out pollutants. This impact may moisturize and cleanse your skin as well.

Does it Provide Health Benefits?

Alkaline water is a contentious topic. Many health specialists believe insufficient evidence to back up the numerous health claims consumers and vendors are currently claiming. There is no empirical proof that fully supports alkaline water enthusiasts’ assertions. Another factor noticed is that several brands perform the research and market it by saying that “our brand has the best alkaline water which provides several health benefits.” Many health experts believe that the multiple health claims generated by participants or sellers are unsupported by research. According to the FDA, no scientific proof can be found that correctly identifies the proponents’ alkaline water claims. Natural mineral research studies can explain variations in study outcomes.

Although a few scientific research have been conducted, there is still a lack of evidence to substantiate this full.

The topic of alkaline is divisive. Few research outputs or results have been discussed below:

1. Cancer

Cancer patients were contacted by salespeople pushing water alkalinizers as a solution to cure their cancer in every case. A study also showed that a diet plan, not just alkaline drinks, may improve the effectiveness of several cancer-fighting chemo medications. Despite the article and salespeople promoting the alkali diet or alkaline, there is no empirical study to back up or refute these claims.

2. Acid Reflux

It’s a condition that generally occurs whenever the gastric juices(1.5 to 3.5; acidic) move back up in the food pipe. It destroys germs and other infections while also aiding digestion and nutrition absorption. It was discovered that alkali milk with a pH of 8.8 inhibits an enzyme that is linked to reflux illness. Drinking alkaline solution as an addition to other therapies for reflux illness may be worth investigating further.

Also Read:- How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day to Stay Hydrated?

Cons or Side effects of Alkaline Water

Although it is believed that alkali water is harmless, it can have dire repercussions.

Lowering typical stomach acidity, which helps in destroying germs and removing other undesired organisms from entering your circulation, is one example of negative feedback secondary effect.

An overabundance of alkalinity inside the system can also create gastrointestinal problems and itchy skin. Too much alkalinity can automatically natural pH balance, thus resulting in metabolic acidosis. Alkalosis also can reduce the free calcium present in the body, thus impacting the health of our bones. The most prevalent cause of hypocalcemia is an overactive parathyroid gland, which is caused by consuming alkaline water.

Can You Drink Alkaline Water Every Day?

There is no solid evidence to back up advocates of alkali ionized water’s nutritious claims. It is believed that except for persons with kidney disease, alkaline water is safe to consume on different days.

Drinking alkaline may give you energy or help with acid reflux, but it may also make you tired and upset your digestion. Excessive and sustained consumption of alkaline water with a high pH can also contribute to dependence. So, it’s better to avoid too much alkaline water.

Choose Yourself!

For various people, various protocols operate. One should decide whether or not you wish to drink alkaline. A significant drawback of alkaline water is that it might cause over-alkalinization, leading to additional health issues.

Consuming a diet rich in whole food, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, nutritious entire grains, high-quality protein, and plenty of fluids could assist you to regulate your mind better by itself.

Point to remember: Never drink alkaline water with food; your stomach needs acid to function, and the alkaline water will stifle that process. As a result, you must try to drink 30 minutes before eating and should not drink this water up to two hours of eating.


Water is required for almost all of your body’s daily functions. You refill your stockpiles by drinking water. Your body and organs will not function correctly if you don’t drink enough water. Consuming adequate water might also aid in appearance.

Natural alkaline water (contains ions) is typically considered safe to drink. Because ionized water contains many active hydrogen molecules, it can operate as a potent antioxidant, scavenging and destroying free radicals. The ionization is simply received, and no other advantage is obtained.

There’s no indication on how much alkaline water could be drunk daily if it’s adequately filtered to eliminate pollutants, ionized and re-mineralized, or obtained from a reputable source. You should also be cautious of artificial alkaline water, which has fewer beneficial elements than its high pH and may include pollutants.

There is insufficient scientific evidence that supports any positive use of alkaline as just therapy for any disease. Other claims that proponents of alkaline water have claimed, in particular, require further research. Beyond these short investigations, however, further research is warranted. Before including this water in your daily routine, you shall always consult with medical professionals’ advice. In addition to this, you should also tell the medical professional about your medical history so that they have a better idea about your body.